The poster was made a for a fictitious design conference involving Marian Bantjes, Jonathan Puckey, and Martin Woodtli. 

My goal for this poster was to try and capture Martin Woodtli’s essence and use of bold bright colour which really stood out to me and to relate it to the city in which the conference was taking place. I used the brick and neon lights because it reminded me of the bright lights in New York at night.

Martin Subway mockup.png

At first I had the Tetris blocks just floating in the page (seen above third image to the right), but realized that they might have seemed random if the viewer was unaware of Martin Woodtli’s work. I really wanted to stick with the Tetris block style but I really wanted to give some added context to this piece. I decided to use the blocks to create the New York Skyline since the conference would be taking place in New York. 

*All copy information was previously provided for the creation of this poster.